
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hungry Hunter

Don't bother me, I'm eating.


Emily said...

CUTE! I love the pic of him sneaking a handful out that HUGE container. It looks like he's definitley mobile and getting around all sorts of places. Boys are so busy!!

Jann said...

Don't you enjoy how everything goes in their hair and the stickier the better? I often wonder how any of it actually goes in their mouths when it seems like all of it is spread everywhere else!

Malissa said...

You are so cute Hunter! I love love love those pics! The more things that I let Makenna feed herself the more that I find in her hair and between her fingers! This is such a fun time!!!

Jenny said...

Ha ha, those pictures are so dang cute! Kids are cute and hilarious

Dani Brems said...

So Janae, they've invented these things called spoons. You don't have to just throw the food in the general direction of your sons mouth. :)
Cute pics!

Quigley Family said...

You are welcome to borrow Jeter to help with the "clean up"!

Anonymous said...

Janae, hey it's Mark's wife (from Craigs mission). Don't know if the intro is necessary:) I remember you gave me your blog address a while ago. I love it! Your little boy is so sweet. He is growing up so fast. We need to hang out sometime. We have a blog too, check us out