
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hunter brought back the magic of Christmas that I remember when I was little. When he opened his new truck he stood and stared at it in amazement and kept saying "Cool dude!" Craig couldn't get it out of the box fast enough for him. Once the truck was free, Hunter ran laps around it squealing and still chanting, "Cool dude!" This was one of the best Christmas's ever!

Hunter and the truck!

Takin' it easy on his new "seat" after all the excitement.


Jann said...

So we made the mistake of buying Mason several of the wooden Thomas trains for Christmas this year. We quickly learned that these things, like Hunter's truck, do not come out quickly or easily. I think next year, just to help dad out (he's on knife/scissor duty because I can't be trusted with sharp objects), we're going to unpackage them from the get-go. :) Happy Holidays.

Emily said...

FUN! How do you make those cool photo collages?