
Monday, May 19, 2008

Craig and I teach the CTR 8 class in primary. Every week I am amazed by some of the wacky things kids will say. So here are a few of our favorites.

Child giving closing prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless us that when we go to visit and eat dinner that nobody gets in a fight with grandma."
. . .
Primary teacher: "When Jesus asked John the Baptist to baptize him, what did John the Baptist say?"
Primary Boy: "All hail Jesus!! Get in the water!!"
Primary teacher: "Not quite."
. . .
Primary Teacher: "Today I have paper and crayons for you to draw a picture of someone using the priesthood."
Primary Boy: "Can I make a priesthood teepee?"


carolee said...

LOVE IT!! Isn't Primary the best?!

Jenny said...

Hilarious! I miss primary! I have a few funny ones myself from our old CTR 6 class.

Primary Teacher: After Jesus was resurrected, where did he go?
Primary Student: Deseret Book!
Primary Teacher: (laughing hysterically) Uh, no...
Primary Student singing 'I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints': "I know who I am, I know God's plan, I'll follow him to Vegas"
Primary Teacher: The words are, "I'll follow Him in faith"
Primary Student attempts to sing it again: "I'll follow him in vain."
Primary Teacher: Close enough!
Primary Teacher: What are some things we can do on Sunday to keep the Sabbath Day holy?
Primary Student: Guess what? We are going to the lake to go boating today. My mom told me not to tell anyone, especially not anyone at church. It's going to be so much fun!

Dani Brems said...

So funny. Since I've worked with kids I've gotten used to saying things like "good try" and "you're working so hard" and other praises that aren't really praises. I like your "not quite" though. Maybe I'll use it tomorrow.

I wonder what a priesthood teepee looks like...

Emily said...

So say the darnest things don't they?!

Ashley said...

I love primary kids, they are so innocent yet hillarious! I always have liked teaching the littler ones vs. the older ones--they always gave me a good laugh. The older ones just try to do things to scare ya--like the time this one 11 yr. old boy took out his glass eye during class....

Gina and Ross said...

Luckily our ward has two primary age children!! Not that I think kids are bad, I just don't want to deal with the young'ns. However, dealing with the 12-18 year olds may be a little tougher than I had thought. Give me a few years and possibly I'll be begging for the primary!