
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Precious Baby Terminator

So I have to throw in some background on this story. One of my cheesey nicknames for Craig is "My Terminator." I warned you it was cheesey, but I call him this because I always feel so safe when I am with him. I feel like he could protect me from anything; ninjas, grizzley bears, you name it. Another necessary side note to this sotry that is that I have a true phobia of snakes. My fight or flight mode kicks in to high gear at just a glimpse of one in a book or on TV. So having said all that, here is my story about my Precious Baby Terminator.

While in St. George last weekend we decided to go for a quick little hike one evening. As soon as we hopped out of the car and started up the trail the crazy person in my head sprung in to action calculating our chances of a snake encounter. The equation looked something like this (time of day x width of trail) + (landscape/temperature)= JUSTIFICATION FOR PANIC!!!!! I tried to silence this crazy person with logic, but everyone knows crazy overrides logic and I began yelling manic demands at Craig and Hunter. "Stomp your feet so they know you are coming!" and "Stay in the center of the trail, THE CENTER OF THE TRAIL!!" and "Don't let go of Hunter's hand!" Craig patiently rolled his eyes and lovingly obliged. Hunter, on the other hand, had his own agenda and wasn't thrilled about not being allowed to pause to pick up a rock or chase after a lizard. Craig whispered in his ear, "Just do what mommy says, she's crazy and scared of snakes."

The next day we found ourselves on the Arizona strip for more desert adventure. As I was getting things out of the car Hunter surveyed the situation and tenderly approached me. "Mommy scared....buggies?"

"No, mommy not scared of buggies sweetie. Mommy just doesn't like snakes."

And this is when my little man invented way #139 to melt my heart. He reached out his little hand and with all the confidence and assurance a 1 year-old could muster he said, "Mommy safe," and he took my hand to lead me off in to the desert. It looks like I've got two terminators looking out for me. Those snakes can just eat it!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's been awhile....

The months keep going by faster and faster. So here is a recap of what we've been up to. First off Easter. The Easter Bunny made three stops for Hunter; Hunter's house, grandma's house and he even left a basket at grandma-great's house. Hunter had a blast looking for the eggs and putting them in his Elmo basket. He got a Thomas kite which Craig was determined to fly even though there wasn't even the slightest breeze on Easter. I love the picture of Craig mad dashing down the street with a $2 kite dragging behind him. That's one dedicated daddy. No pics of us dying the eggs because for those of you who haven't attempted this with a toddler, let's just call this activity an extreme sport. Hunter loved the "colors."

Nice weather means we get to re-open the SANDBOX!!!! Hunter was thrilled to have his old buddy back and mommy was happy to find it not filled with spiders and buggies. Hunter has taken up residency in the sandbox and on nice days he will only come in for naps and meals. In most of the pictures he is laying in the sandbox. He thinks this is funny and will strike his goofy pose and say, "Mommy, picture!" and so I oblige.

Of course all sandbox adventures usually end in a tub. Craig introduced Hunter to the concept of "bubble baths." Hunter is a big fan. He likes to put bubbles on his chin like a beard and then in as low a voice as he can get he will say, "Hellloooo!" What a ham.

A few weekends ago we took a trip up to Midway to soak in some fresh spring air. Hunter loved running around and feeding the horses. We love Midway.

And yes Hunter and Makenna (or should we say Hukenna or maybe Munter) are still together. Here's the happy couple out for a dinner date. After dinner they took a stroll to the local playground for bubbles and slide races. And yes, there were a couple of kisses. The first kiss Makenna freely gave, the second was after Hunter politely asked for. These two are a riot to watch. We love Makenna visits.

And then there was Mother's Day. Craig ditched me to go to Vegas, but before you all give him Husband of the Year, I have to say he had permission ;). Craig got to meet one of his closest pals from Seattle to go to the Dave Matthews concert. They had a blast and Craig deserved it after finishing up another tough semester. He made it back home in time for dinner on Sunday, so all was well. With no dad, Hunter and I decided to have a sleepover at my parents house. I loved going to church with my parents and my dad took very good care of my mom and I. Every mother's day my dad turns in to Iron Chef Don and cooks up the most amazing dinner. He really goes all out and won't let any lady do a thing. He spends most of his time shooing his wife, mother and mother-in-law out of the kitchen (I don't have to be asked to keep clear of the stove). This year shrimp cocktail and cedar plank roasted salmon were the highlights of the menu. And kuddos to Clayson for being a great assistant chef!

I have to say I am trully blessed by the women in my family. I am surrounded by the best. My mother is the most supportive, upbeat, caring person alive. Growing up as the only girl in my family created a super bond between my mom and I. She was also my best friend. I love chatting with her on the phone and hanging out with her. She's a good time. Then there is my Grandma E. or as Hunter calls her, Grandma Verla. She is the kindest, most loving person. Each time I see her she greets me with her signature hug and says in my ear, "I just love ya." And then there's Grandma Q. or to Hunter, Grandma-Great! There's only one word for this lady and that is spunk. She acts more 17 than 84. And while we are on the topic of age, how many 84 year olds do you know who painted their entire backyard fence this year! There's no slowing this one down, she has such an infectious zest for life that makes her the life of the party. I am also so thankful for my mother-in-law. She has been so warm and open to me and makes me feel like one of the fam. She is a true lady and wonderful example. So, thank you to all the wonderful woman in my life.