
Monday, November 30, 2009

What Have We Been Up To?

Well, get ready, because it has been a busy fall. We started out with the flu, not swine flu, just the good old fashioned yucky flu. So we did a lot of this...
...and a lot of this....
Then we finally got to move on with life. We helped gramps pick some apples. Yum!

Picked some good lookin' pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns. Look at that cute little pumpkin in the back!

We went to Cornbelly's with some of Hunter's favorite pals, Hannah and Makenna. Oh, Hunter and his harem. Ha, ha. These kiddies had a blast finding easter eggs? Yes, black and orange easter eggs were hidden in the kiddie corn maze. Sounded odd to me, but they loved it! There was also a cutsey playground complete with a corn box. This is a sandbox, but filled with corn. Makenna was a huge fan of this. She spent quite a bit of time filling her shoes with corn and then dumping it back out. There was also a princess land with a bounce house and pumpkin coach. Hunter got to play prince charming to his two leading ladies. Super fun evening!

Craig played in a flag football tournement. No concusions this year, just a ruptured ear drum. Hunter had fun watching his daddy, and kept making a break for the field. "Put me in coach!"

Happy Halloween. We kicked off the day at Grandma Greats. Look at all these cute great-grandkids, and this is only half of them! What a legacy. Hunter is a dino, excuse me, a T-Rex. He was really good at staying in character all day.

And check out the Wicked Witch (oh I mean don't worry Hunter, mommy's a nice witch), a festive trick-or-treater, and the one and only Lady Gaga.

Here we are gettin' ready to go collect our Halloween loot.

With the thermomenter dropping every day, we decided to make a break for St. George. Hunter was loving Grandma Barnard's (he calls her Ha Ha Grandma) tub toys. The kid was a prune and the water had turned freezing by the time we coaxed him out of the tub.

We made a trip to the dino museum at Johnson Farms. This was really cool. My favorite was the mud imprint of a dinosaurs skin. That was amazing. Hunter is a big fan of anything dinosaur related. He impressed the volunteers with his dino knowledge. If you are going to work at a dinosaur museum you better know who ornithomymus and parasaurolophus are because some 2-year-old might come in and ask you about them.

And then we came home to this. Aw crap! Hunter is a bigger fan than I am.

We trecked down to Springville for Thanksgiving. The Bonds opened their home and were fabulous hosts. We loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa Barnard, the Zevenbergens, and even little Kai who is all grown up and camed down from Rexberg. The food was delish and the company even better. We gobbled till we waddled. Except for Hunter, he couldn't slow down long enough to swallow a single bite of turkey. Not will all those cousins to run around with. He especially loved wrestling with his bigger cousins. I just LOVE this family.

Fwew! Anyone make it down this far? Well that was fall.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Puppy Love

Hunter and Makenna went on a date to Gardner Village to see the witches. These two are just precious. They held hands and wandered around checking out all the fun Halloween spookies. There was even a little lip lockin'. Makenna has recently added "boys" as something to say thank you for in her prayers. Malissa and I are in serious trouble.

Happily Ever After.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Random Hello's from Hunter

Hi, from the park!

Howdy, from the State Fair!

P.S. Can someone tell my cheap parents to buy a booster seat! How's a guy supposed to work under these conditions!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dinos and 2 babies

We had fun this weekend at the dinosaur park in Ogden. Hunter was in heaven! The had a life size replica of every dino imaginable complete with eerie dino noises. Hunter showed no fear when face to face with these monsters. Craig and I had fun watching him get so excited each time we found a new dinosaur. What a cute little guy (who apparently is taking style tips from A.C. Slater, what is up with that hat Hunter, that's right he put it on that way).

After we had seen on done it all at the dinosaur park, we headed off to visit on old Dixie pal who was in town from Aspen. I love this gal and cannot believe she is the mother of twins now! She looks like she has the two babies thing down. Mercy! These two are just sweet though, and pretty like their mommy. Hunter really wanted to hold one. He was quite taken with these little ladies.

Monday, August 24, 2009

An Afternoon of Culture

...Redneck culture that is. We went to the monster truck rally on Saturday. Hunter loved the big trucks and I loved checking out the crowd. Here are some things we learned:

1. Snow cones at this event are $10.

2. If you don't have a mullet, you can buy one. (We saw a nice asian man in a blonde mullet wig).

3. You are never too old or too overwieght to be in a heavy metal band with your buds.

4. This is unrelated to redneck culture, but something else we learned that afternoon was that Hunter does not chew his food... at all. We now know this because he laid out his last two meals on the sidewalk for us. You didn't need to be a forensic to decipher what he had eaten.

It really was a super fun way to spend an afternoon. Hunter won't stop talking about monster trucks and how noisy they are, and how they jump in the air, and go on hills, and he has to wear earplugs. Thanks Uncle Ross for the tickets!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy B-day Hunter!!!!!

Hunter's Birthday was a couple of weeks ago, but I am just now getting around to blogging the big fun! Can't believe he is 2!! Hunter had a Cars birthday. He talked about having a "Cars cake" for like a month. We put butcher paper up with pictures of Sally, McQueen, and Mater for the kids to color and put stickers on. They loved it (and hopefully didn't reenact any of it at home on their parents' walls, sorry folks, it was a fun b-day game though).

Here are Hunter's cute b-day buddies.

Here are 10 b-day boy facts so I can remember just how precious this little guy is when he's too big to sit in my lap and play with my hair.

1. Hunter can identify, give at least two facts and properly pronounce the names of brontosaurous, t-rex, brachiosaurous, triceratops, raptor, stegasaurous, allosaurous, and terodactyl (mommy can't spell them though).

2. He loves to sing and dance and can sing the themes songs of his favorite two shows, Little Einstiens and Thomas and Friends as well as several other church songs and lullabies. One of his favorite songs is Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Root, root, root for the MARINERS!

3. He loves swimming with his water wings and jumping in the pool without anyone catching him.

4. He loves to lay on his tummy and watch the wheels of his cars as he races them back an forth on the ground, while making car noises.

5. He asks what everything is doing. Random people, animals, trees, toys, everything needs explaining.

6. Hunter loves to run. He has a famous "tae-bo run" where he punches his little fists as he runs yelling "go, go, go, go, go!"

7. Hunter does the best imperssonation of a raptor. (Thank you Uncle Clayson)

8. Hunter has a very tender heart. He has a toy puppy that makes a whiney noise that causes Hunter to drop everything to run to the puppy and gently pat its head and say, "There, there," until the puppy is quiet again.

9. Hunter loves talking. He is quite the conversationalist. He will choose a topic and then force you into asking him questions about it, which he in return gives plenty of details. If you slack in your responses or lose interest he will stick his little face in yours and say, "More things?"

10. Hunter is a thrill seeker. He loves going on rides at Lagoona-goona (Lagoon) and Disneyland. I think he's going to grow up to be an adrenaline junky!


Monday, August 17, 2009

We Are Still Alive

What have we been up to, besides mourning the loss of our computer? Well... camping, swimming, rodeo, fireworks, bbq's, family, cousins, sleep-overs, school (Craig), birthday, buddies, work, broken car, working car, giggling, Lagoona-goona, and not acting too quickly to fix our situation with our computer because it would be a shame for us to rejoin the rest of 21st century society. One day when we get off our lazy bums, I will show you the pictures that prove we have really been busy doing all of these things. In the mean time, we love viewing all of your sophisticated blogs to see what you all have been doing this summer.
Love the Barnards

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yep, computer is officially dead. This blows.

Monday, June 1, 2009

St. George

So here's a lot of pictures and a few words to sum up our trip to St. George:

Climbing, picnic, throwing rocks, cupcakes, cousins, daddy, "play cars, ka-chow!"

Desert, dead stuff, pokey stuff, loud guns, fast lizards, grandma/grandpa, beautiful.

And last, but definitely not least; I love to see the temple, I'll go inside someday...
Oh, precious, precious Hunter.
P.S. He loves to sing this song and was extra excited to see a real temple (remember the confusion with the Excalibur in Vegas).

And to end this post here is a sweet picture of my boys walking through the beautiful desert. It's funny, this is one of my favorite pics. It looks so peaceful. Father and son, hand in hand, exploring the beauty of the earth. Actuallity: freaked out mommy behind the camera yelling to watch out for snakes, heart pounding, forehead sweating. Daddy rolling his eyes, son ignoring mommy. A pictue can say a thousand words, but not necessarily the right ones. Oh, well, it really was a beautiful day.
We love you St. George!!
Heart the Barnards

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Precious Baby Terminator

So I have to throw in some background on this story. One of my cheesey nicknames for Craig is "My Terminator." I warned you it was cheesey, but I call him this because I always feel so safe when I am with him. I feel like he could protect me from anything; ninjas, grizzley bears, you name it. Another necessary side note to this sotry that is that I have a true phobia of snakes. My fight or flight mode kicks in to high gear at just a glimpse of one in a book or on TV. So having said all that, here is my story about my Precious Baby Terminator.

While in St. George last weekend we decided to go for a quick little hike one evening. As soon as we hopped out of the car and started up the trail the crazy person in my head sprung in to action calculating our chances of a snake encounter. The equation looked something like this (time of day x width of trail) + (landscape/temperature)= JUSTIFICATION FOR PANIC!!!!! I tried to silence this crazy person with logic, but everyone knows crazy overrides logic and I began yelling manic demands at Craig and Hunter. "Stomp your feet so they know you are coming!" and "Stay in the center of the trail, THE CENTER OF THE TRAIL!!" and "Don't let go of Hunter's hand!" Craig patiently rolled his eyes and lovingly obliged. Hunter, on the other hand, had his own agenda and wasn't thrilled about not being allowed to pause to pick up a rock or chase after a lizard. Craig whispered in his ear, "Just do what mommy says, she's crazy and scared of snakes."

The next day we found ourselves on the Arizona strip for more desert adventure. As I was getting things out of the car Hunter surveyed the situation and tenderly approached me. "Mommy scared....buggies?"

"No, mommy not scared of buggies sweetie. Mommy just doesn't like snakes."

And this is when my little man invented way #139 to melt my heart. He reached out his little hand and with all the confidence and assurance a 1 year-old could muster he said, "Mommy safe," and he took my hand to lead me off in to the desert. It looks like I've got two terminators looking out for me. Those snakes can just eat it!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's been awhile....

The months keep going by faster and faster. So here is a recap of what we've been up to. First off Easter. The Easter Bunny made three stops for Hunter; Hunter's house, grandma's house and he even left a basket at grandma-great's house. Hunter had a blast looking for the eggs and putting them in his Elmo basket. He got a Thomas kite which Craig was determined to fly even though there wasn't even the slightest breeze on Easter. I love the picture of Craig mad dashing down the street with a $2 kite dragging behind him. That's one dedicated daddy. No pics of us dying the eggs because for those of you who haven't attempted this with a toddler, let's just call this activity an extreme sport. Hunter loved the "colors."

Nice weather means we get to re-open the SANDBOX!!!! Hunter was thrilled to have his old buddy back and mommy was happy to find it not filled with spiders and buggies. Hunter has taken up residency in the sandbox and on nice days he will only come in for naps and meals. In most of the pictures he is laying in the sandbox. He thinks this is funny and will strike his goofy pose and say, "Mommy, picture!" and so I oblige.

Of course all sandbox adventures usually end in a tub. Craig introduced Hunter to the concept of "bubble baths." Hunter is a big fan. He likes to put bubbles on his chin like a beard and then in as low a voice as he can get he will say, "Hellloooo!" What a ham.

A few weekends ago we took a trip up to Midway to soak in some fresh spring air. Hunter loved running around and feeding the horses. We love Midway.

And yes Hunter and Makenna (or should we say Hukenna or maybe Munter) are still together. Here's the happy couple out for a dinner date. After dinner they took a stroll to the local playground for bubbles and slide races. And yes, there were a couple of kisses. The first kiss Makenna freely gave, the second was after Hunter politely asked for. These two are a riot to watch. We love Makenna visits.

And then there was Mother's Day. Craig ditched me to go to Vegas, but before you all give him Husband of the Year, I have to say he had permission ;). Craig got to meet one of his closest pals from Seattle to go to the Dave Matthews concert. They had a blast and Craig deserved it after finishing up another tough semester. He made it back home in time for dinner on Sunday, so all was well. With no dad, Hunter and I decided to have a sleepover at my parents house. I loved going to church with my parents and my dad took very good care of my mom and I. Every mother's day my dad turns in to Iron Chef Don and cooks up the most amazing dinner. He really goes all out and won't let any lady do a thing. He spends most of his time shooing his wife, mother and mother-in-law out of the kitchen (I don't have to be asked to keep clear of the stove). This year shrimp cocktail and cedar plank roasted salmon were the highlights of the menu. And kuddos to Clayson for being a great assistant chef!

I have to say I am trully blessed by the women in my family. I am surrounded by the best. My mother is the most supportive, upbeat, caring person alive. Growing up as the only girl in my family created a super bond between my mom and I. She was also my best friend. I love chatting with her on the phone and hanging out with her. She's a good time. Then there is my Grandma E. or as Hunter calls her, Grandma Verla. She is the kindest, most loving person. Each time I see her she greets me with her signature hug and says in my ear, "I just love ya." And then there's Grandma Q. or to Hunter, Grandma-Great! There's only one word for this lady and that is spunk. She acts more 17 than 84. And while we are on the topic of age, how many 84 year olds do you know who painted their entire backyard fence this year! There's no slowing this one down, she has such an infectious zest for life that makes her the life of the party. I am also so thankful for my mother-in-law. She has been so warm and open to me and makes me feel like one of the fam. She is a true lady and wonderful example. So, thank you to all the wonderful woman in my life.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


So the name of the game is to name 10 things begining with a letter the person (Melis) picked for me. So here are my 10 favorite...H's:
1. Husband
2. Hunter (so far this is easy, I've covered my two favorite boys).
3. Hot Tubs (aaahhh)
4. Holidays
5. (the) Holiday ...greatest chick flick, get your tissues.
6. The Hills (If this was 10 H's I hate I could say Heidi)

7. Hershey's
8. Hot... like St. George or on a beach.

9. Hiking
10. Hangin' Out (friends or family)

One of my favorite pictures of "H"usband and "H"unter.

I tag: Lindsay R.(A), Tanya(B), and Genesis(C).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I love, love, LOVE family vacations. Nothings better than getting to do lots of fun things with my two favorite boys and not having to worry about work, school, or dishes. Last week we loaded up the car and headed off for 10 days of fun. Since this is my personal public journal you'll have to endure a lot of words this post. Here we go!

1st stop ST. GEORGE! Hunter loved climbing on the redrock and playing with his cousins and grandparents. Aw family, we just don't see you all enough.

Then, it's back in the car, but just a short trip down to LV. Hunter didn't know what to think about all of that maymem. We arrived on St. Patty's day so things were even wackier. Hunter was excited to see the Excaliber and began pointing and yelling, "TEMPLE!" Um, no. We had lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe at the MGM. If only every resteraunt we went to had fish tanks, waterfalls and elephants maybe I would get to actually eat my food while it was still hot every time we ate out. We fled from the strip before our little man became completely corrupted. We jumped aboard a plane which Hunter helped take off by patting on his lap and yelling "Blast off!" Anyone seen Little Einstiens? Obviouslly Hunter's a big fan, which is why he should have been giddy because we were on our way to see them for real, in their house along with all of his other friends, Mickey, Donald, Pooh, and Handy Manny. This little guy had no idea what he was in for.

From our hotel we could see Disneyland. That first night we gave Hunter a preview for what he was in for the next 3 days by taking him up on the sundeck to see the fireworks. He was a big fan and still tells me about them each day. So now here we are, the happiest place on earth. As we walked through the gate the "choo, choo" pulled in to the station as if on cue. Hunter bounced all the way on to the train. When they train passed through Splash Mtn. and Hunter could see all the critters singing Zippity Do Da, he just stared. His mind was blown. What is this place? First official ride was Small World. We decided to start out pretty mellow even though Pirates ended up being his favorite ride. He loved the big drop at the begining and thought the pirates were "awesome." He's a thrill seeker already. Back to Small World, Hunter was excited to get to ride on the boat, but then the boat took us to this magical land of singing children and once again, silent stare, mind blown. He will now request the "boat song" as a lullaby at bed time.

So when we told people that we were taking Hunter to Disneyland lots of them would tell us what cute pictures we would come back with. I mean can you imagine, cute kiddo+disney= adorable pics right? Um, no. Cute kiddos do not want to pose for a picture when standing next to a cool ride or someone like Tigger. They rather be chekcing it all out, not looking at mommy with a camera. So most of our pictures are the back of Hunter's head or him yelling at us because we aren't letting him do what he wants. So by the time we were half way through day 2 I gave up on the pictures and left the camera in the bag and decided just to have fun. So here's an example of us trying to take a picture of Hunter with mommy on the dumbo ride (which he loved, weee Dumbo).

A lot of work for one picture. Here's our efforts on trying to get just one cute family group shot. Hunter's wondering why the heck we want him to sit on mommy's knee and smile at some lame guy with our camera when Lightening McQueen is right next to us! Cars is one of Hunter's favorite movies and he totally got prancing, happy feet when he saw them in real life. Oh kids are so fun!

Too much fun. Back to the room for a rest.

Like I said earlier, Hunter was awesome on the rides. Not once did he cry. The only time he showed any nervousness was on the Haunted Mansion, he kept twirling my hair which he does to soothe himself sometimes. He was incredible. The bigger the drop or more whirly the ride, the more he loved it. Craig was convinced we should get him a goofy hat and some platform shoes so we could sneak him on Splash Mountain. He would have loved that ride, seriously, he's crazy. He loved the pirahhnas on the Jungle Cruise and flew out of his chair when he saw Nemo on the submarines. Winnie the Pooh was another one of his favorites. When you get off that ride you get dropped by one of the many gift shops, and this one is of course full of Pooh stuff. Hunter saw a stuffed Pooh bear, grabbed it, kissed it and snuggled up to it sighing "Pooh Bear." We bought the Pooh Bear, suckers.

We went to California Adventure where we got to see Disney Playhouse live. This was one of my favorite things. They do this cute little show whith puppets and all kind of special effects that make it seem like you are really a part of this little adventure. There aren't any chairs so everyone sits on the floor and the kids can get up and dance and be excited. Sooo cute. Hunter was in heaven. Another one of Hunter's favorite things at CA Adventure was a fountain in Bug World where water shot out of the ground randomly. Hunter named it crazy water. He giggled and chased the water around. Everyone watching was cracking up over his antics. It was really hilarious. To get him away from the crazy water we had to bribe him with a sucker. And that his how we became the parents of the only naked child with a giant lollipop at Disneyland.

We didn't meet Mickey until day 3. We were nervous about this because Hunter and Santa were not BFF. Hunter had a major freak out at South Town mall, so we weren't sure how he would take a 5 foot mouse. As we stood at Mickey's door we braced for impact, but when Mickey answered the door Hunter's face lit up and he said in his precious little voice, "Mickey Mouse!" Mickey gave him a high five and a hug and Hunter kissed his nose. It was one of those mommy moments where you get an embarassing lump in your throat because you are just so tickled that your little guy is in complete bliss. I'm lame I know. I get worked up over halmark commercials. Anyhow, Mickey was a huge hit! Day 3 was extra fun because the choo, choo brought Hunter a special surprise. Grandma and Grandpa Q. I was GQ's b-day so we invited her and gramps to spend a day in Disneyland with their only grandchild. My dad said he was fulfilled now that he has ridden Small World with his grandson. Hunter had lots of fun and so did they and Craig and I got to ride the big kid rides and have a day just the two of us. I must say Craig and I know how to have a good time.

We were so sad to leave CA, but eased back in to things by putting off reality a couple more days by making another stop in St. George. More cousin time, lizards and a necessary game of Balderdash. Uncle Steven helped the little ones catch lizards. Hunter thought they were pretty cool and was totally chilled letting one hang out on his shirt. After I took this picture I realized someone had put a lizard on my shirt without me knowing it. I was not chilled, I freaked.

So more good times and good memories. I love my boys and I'm so happy we got to take another fun trip together. Here's to reality (which with these two really isn't that bad) until we make our next escape.